Get to Know COVARSI Employees!

Alo, Covriends!

Have you met the employees of the COVARSI Student Company yet? Who do you think is involved in this COVARSI? Come on, let’s get acquainted.

COVARSI Student Company is managed by 26 SMAN 81 Jakarta batch 2023 students. The company is led by a president director who is assisted by a secretary and has five divisions: Commercial, Finance, Human Resources, Production, and Public Relations.

President Director: Davina Andari.

Secretary: Sotar Dodo Manurung.

Commercial: Aqila Jelita, Salma Dahlia Latuconsina, Desqita Mufidah Rahma, Fatimah Naila, Danial Rajiv Syahidan, and Nur Aflah Lubis.

Finance: Nadira Adhanti Saputro, Josh Matthew Marpaung, and Zahwa Aisyah Sabrina.

Human Resources: Raina Reliza Zakiyudin, Arferezia Amanta Cira, and Najwa Azzahra Nursafa.

Production: Daniel Tirwandez Putra Siahaan, Hanaan Nida Santosa, Audrey Malinda, Bunga Chyntia Hanathasya, Kesya Kayla Rondonowu, and Isna Bintang Savitri.

Public Relations: Areta Bratadari, Aisyah Syahrinnisad, Donata Siagian, Farah Hanifah Prihantoro, Joanne Kenisa Adelina Limena, and Nayla Nasyhanda Kiena.

So, for those curious Covriends, how are the faces of the students who are members of the COVARSI Student Company? You can check on COVARSI’s Instagram.