Liquidation of COVARSI Student Company

Hello, Covriends!

COVARSI Student Company started the company operations after its inauguration on May 3, 2021, and ended on September 3, 2021. The liquidation was carried out publicly and was attended by representatives of Prestasi Junior Indonesia, Citi Indonesia, SMA Negeri 81 Jakarta, and investors.

The event began with an opening and a prayer and continued with remarks from Mr. Robert Gardiner as Co-Founder & Academic Advisor of Prestasi Junior Indonesia. Mr. Resi Yandhi Timosia, S.Pd., Vice Principal of the Student Affairs, also gave a speech at this liquidation event.

The Board of Directors of COVARSI also presented various achievements that the company has obtained during its operational period. The event was closed with a prayer by Mr. Mubaidillah, S.Pd.I. and closing from Mr. Robert Gardiner.

Davina Andari Putri
President Director